Thursday, October 28, 2010

What i want to know about my topic choice.

What i want to know about my topic choice is going to be based on what i am researching, industrialization and poaching in Africa.  Here are some questions that i wish to answer in my research paper.  What is the market value of things hunted from poachers?  How is industrialization affecting the environment; as well as wildlife.  What is being done to help prevent some the endangerment of animals?  How are both sides of the argument debatable?  With these questions i hope to accomplish finding information  that helps me make my paper, and how it will flow into my topic question.  Some other question i may have could be questions, such as what is being made through industrialization, and under whos authority?  So these are the things that i want to know about my topic choice.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

why i chose my topic

The reason i chose this topic is because the vast wildlife in Africa has always intrigued me. My pursuit in life is to possibly become an exotic vetenarian, to study this closer.  I also find that it is a global issue that many countries have with industrialization trying to co-exist with an animals habitat, or the many acreage of tree life.  Poaching also is some thing that i think is big issue, because it is causing animals to become endangered.  Therefore this topic interest me, but also makes me feel emotional about it.  To say that either industrialization or poaching have the same effect on wildlife is undisputable, but i find the need to share how these are both serious problems and which causes the biggest threat.  That is why i selected this topic so i could explain this rationaly in away that both sides are being made aware of, and argumental. 

The story behind my topic choice

The reson i chose this topic for my research project is, because this was a topic that interested me and that i found  i had alot of background information on.  This is also a very broad topic that is argumental to either side of my topic question.  I pulled two debateable theories that opposed a threat in countries of Africa.  The two things i discovered dealing with the decreasing wildlife in Africa, was poaching & industrialization.  The meaning behind industrialization is the modernizing of the new world with cities, transportation, and technology.  And this can interfere with wildlife by the way it can limit the plain field for wild animals and the destruction of plant life.