Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wordle #2 based on research topic

Wordle: Wildlife conservation

Reflection paragraph on findings

With my research findings, i had generated a research question that will allow me to better understand my research topic.  Which major cause of wildlife decreasing do you think opposes  the most threat in Africa: The industrialization in African countries, or the illegal poaching around the continent of Africa? In my research i found that poaching decisively was more of a problem than industrialization.  Through industrialization, the president of South Africa Jacob Zuma, is moderenizing his country as well as others to match the global industry around the world.  Both presidents Jacob Zuma and president Nelson Mandela have salitified themselves as visionaries keeping in mind the Wildlife surrounding their land.  Nowing this industrialization under the right hands of authority can assure the safety of Wildlife without decreasing it.  Though poaching has made many mammals reached the endangered list, or nearly even become defunct: poaching in Africa has become a thing of sport, a standard of value, or for just the cultures of natives.  In many countries of Africa some poaching has even been kept as a conspiracy towards military leaders or groups obtaining items from poaching for funding.  So from my research this question makes the argument stand out towards poaching. 

finding paragraph #3

How much does poaching effect the continent; also what is preffered to be poached along with its market value in Africa? During my research I found poaching to be more of the cause for Wildlife decreasing decisively, compared to industrialization in Africa.  Poaching has also been the reason for certain species to have reached the endangered list.  According to Wildlife preservationist Elaphants are a big hunt for poachers.  The reason be, the market value of tusk or ivory can range at very high cost.  There are organizations that assist in stopping the rise of  poaching, as well as certain authorities  possibly outside of African countries, that are against poaching.  Another Wildlife expert Jeff Corbett quoted, "A tiger is a large-hearted gentleman with boundless courage and that when he is exterminated - as exterminated he will be unless public opinion rallies to his support - India will be the poorer by having lost the finest of her fauna." these insight words regarded the beauty of nature that should not be tampered or poached. 

finding paragraph #2

As a result of the effects of poaching and industrialization, preserves are being established to prevent the decreasing of Wildlife.  Wildlife preserves such as the Caluit game preserve and wildlife sanctuary help separate the essence of wildlife and nature; away from the growing urban cities in African countries.  Although this still is limiting the space of wildlife, African leaders and certain committees have acknowledged the presence of the wildlife surrounding the area of Africa.  Preserves such as this, also ban the access of poaching on the preserve.  A Wildlife expert Viggo Mortensen once said, “I have never been in a natural place and felt that was a waste of time. I never have. And it's a relief. If I'm walking around a desert or whatever, every second is worthwhile.”  The goal of many wildlife conservationist is to allow the natural growth of Wildlife to spread without boundaries.  This information was located  "Viggo Mortensen ." think exist . Web. 10 Nov 2010. <>.


finding paragraph #1

Industrialization continues to expand in African countries under the authority of presidential leaders, that are limiting the space for wildlife to graze.  Nelson Mandela the former president of South Africa had an invision of unifying African countries as a whole to see through all of the continents problems.  Nelson Mandela stated this quote for all of Africa to hear, " I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent.  I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wilderness."  Now the president of South Africa Jacob Zuma who has kept in mind the wildlife that defines the landmark of his country, has set aside preserves that allows Wildlife to prawl.  As words of encouragement during his inaguaration he used these words, " Can there be a manipulation of justice by it should not, and it cannot, and i am sure that we all believe in that, and therefore, that's why I have understood people saying we will never allow the manipulation of justice."  Between Nelson Mandela and Jacob Zuma it safe to say they have led there country through a positive industry growth, and have considered the great Wildlife around them. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quote and paraphrase #5

"A tiger is a large-hearted gentleman with boundless courage and that when he is exterminated - as exterminated he will be unless public opinion rallies to his support - India will be the poorer by having lost the finest of her fauna."

Jim Corbett in this quote spoke of the natural courage and the sentimental value that an animal such as the tiger can possess. Yet man still desires to take this away in the form of poaching for the value that they may have. The main goal is to take this away, and just admire its natural form. Even this is based in India, it can apply to any other country.

elaphant reproduction enforced

This chart shows the reproduction that is done at specific reserves to increase the population of a specific species of wildlife.  In this case it is elephants in the region of Africa, due to there popularity to poachers they have reached the endangered list.  Now as an alternative rescues will now forcibly breed species to keep from dying out in an effort to keep form poachers. 
"elephant reproduction ." Web. 16 Nov 2010. <http://>.

quote and paraphrase #5

Quote and paraphrase #4

“Can there be a manipulation of justice by, it should not, and it cannot, and I'm sure we all believe in that, and therefore, that's why I have understood people saying we will never allow the manipulation of justice.”

We cannot take away the democracy that is already in South Africa, nor the justice. You cannot control justice through democracy; because it is a human right. Most people would agree with this statement.  If their viewpoints are democratic.  '

Summary:  Jacob Zuma is the current president of South Africa, and there has been allegations towards him regarding to weapons outside of South Africa.  He was believed to have been associating with arms dealer outside of his country.   Though this matter was never to be true or proven in a court of law,  he continues to lead South Africa through there ambivalent matters against industrialization and poaching.  Despite what he has been accused for.   

"Jacob Zuma ." quotes daddy. Web. 16 Nov 2010. <>.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joining the pride

quote, paraphrase, and citation #3

    "I fully support the goal of species protection and conservation and believe that recovery and ultimately delisting of species should be the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's top priority under ESA."

this quote stated his stand points on how he felt wildlife preservation should be handled.  He speak of the U.S fish in reference to any other large body of water that would be found worldwide, and ESA is the name of the organization in the U.S.

summary:   Dennis Cardoza is one of a founder of a group organization in the united States.  Whose main goal is to end poaching, and or achieve environmental peace.  These efforts have not yet to reach full extent, as well as other organizations.  Poaching is proving to be one of the biggest reasons for certain wildlife reaching the endangered list.  This though is still continuing to get worse. 

"Dennis Cardoza ." Brainy quote . Web. 11 Nov 2010. <

Photo, caption, and citation #3
The picture above is an example of the poaching that continues to rise in Africa.  It also exhibits the type of prizes that poachers stride to obtain.  The most preferred is elephant:  The reason be that the market value of tusk or ivory can range at very high cost.  There are organizations that assist in stopping the rise of  poaching, as well as certain authority possibly outside of African countries.            "Slaughter fear over poaching rise ." Web. 11 Nov 2010. <http://>. s.   

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quote and paraphrase citation #2

“I have never been in a natural place and felt that was a waste of time. I never have. And it's a relief. If I'm walking around a desert or whatever, every second is worthwhile.”

what viggo mortensen met through this quote is that we need to understand our boundaries on mother nature, and respect the beauty of it.  Also that there is no better feeling than the one you get,when you are: in a desert, jungle, or any other place that captures the feeling of peace.

summary:  Viggo Mortensen speaks about mother nature being a place of relief, and not of corruption.  Industrialization is still continuing to grow; but is not seen as a serious matter such as poaching.  Some countries have set aside preserves to maintain wildlife.  Industrialization also drives out the natural home of wildlife, but does not kill.  Only on some occasions. 
"Viggo Mortensen ." think exist . Web. 10 Nov 2010. <>.

Photo and caption citation #2
Wildlife preserves such as the Caluit game preserve and wildlife sanctuary help separate the essence of wildlife and nature; away from the growing urban cities in African countries.  Although this still is limiting the space of wildlife, African leaders and certain committees have acknowledged the presence of the wildlife surrounding the area of Africa.            
"Caluit game preserve and wildlife sanctuary ." Web. 10 Nov 2010. <http://>.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

qoute and paraphrase citation #1

"I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses."

When Nelson Mandela had stated this quote, the message that he wanted to get across is that the continent of Africa is not yet unified as a whole.  Also all of the problems that a country may experience: The destruction of Wildlife, economic issues, or racial discrimination.  Especially the destruction of wildlife in Africa.

Summary:  Nelson Mandela was the previous president of South Africa: He was thought to be one of the better leaders of South Africa.  This also shows under whose authority that industrialization is under.  With new leaders, such as Jacob Zuma now president of South Africa is also improving industrialization.  It is just as repetitive as poaching.  Even though that it is not as big as a threat as poaching. 
"Nelson Mandela ." brainyquote. Web. 9 Nov 2010. <>.

Photo, caption, and citation #1
Add caption:  This is a photo of the current president of South Africa Jacob Zuma, increasing industrialization in South Africa. This deals with my question; who is under the authority in of industrialization in certain african countries?  Jacob Zuma, although has still kept in consideration of the protection of wildlife in the area of South Africa. 

"The lesser of two evils ." Web. 9 Nov 2010. <htttp://>.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

preliminary links info.

This source was helpful to me, because the org in the website address indicates that this source is followed by an organization that update links frequently.  Also this link was credited by an author of the article/ John Nelsen.
This site is going to be useful for me, because its in formation is more updated than other sites.  This information was found October, 24 2010.
The information tha i got from this site was helpful, becasue it gave both oppositions how industrialization has
has both effected Africa positively and negatively.  So this source gave alot of information. 
This website is helpful, because it has an author and publish/ manufacture date of when it was written.  Therefore this had made this a credible source to gain information from. 

Wordle #1 usefull site words

Wordle: Industrialization/wildlife wordle

Animoto based on research questions

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