Sunday, November 21, 2010

finding paragraph #1

Industrialization continues to expand in African countries under the authority of presidential leaders, that are limiting the space for wildlife to graze.  Nelson Mandela the former president of South Africa had an invision of unifying African countries as a whole to see through all of the continents problems.  Nelson Mandela stated this quote for all of Africa to hear, " I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent.  I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wilderness."  Now the president of South Africa Jacob Zuma who has kept in mind the wildlife that defines the landmark of his country, has set aside preserves that allows Wildlife to prawl.  As words of encouragement during his inaguaration he used these words, " Can there be a manipulation of justice by it should not, and it cannot, and i am sure that we all believe in that, and therefore, that's why I have understood people saying we will never allow the manipulation of justice."  Between Nelson Mandela and Jacob Zuma it safe to say they have led there country through a positive industry growth, and have considered the great Wildlife around them. 

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