Sunday, November 21, 2010

finding paragraph #3

How much does poaching effect the continent; also what is preffered to be poached along with its market value in Africa? During my research I found poaching to be more of the cause for Wildlife decreasing decisively, compared to industrialization in Africa.  Poaching has also been the reason for certain species to have reached the endangered list.  According to Wildlife preservationist Elaphants are a big hunt for poachers.  The reason be, the market value of tusk or ivory can range at very high cost.  There are organizations that assist in stopping the rise of  poaching, as well as certain authorities  possibly outside of African countries, that are against poaching.  Another Wildlife expert Jeff Corbett quoted, "A tiger is a large-hearted gentleman with boundless courage and that when he is exterminated - as exterminated he will be unless public opinion rallies to his support - India will be the poorer by having lost the finest of her fauna." these insight words regarded the beauty of nature that should not be tampered or poached. 

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