Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quote and paraphrase #4

“Can there be a manipulation of justice by democracy...no, it should not, and it cannot, and I'm sure we all believe in that, and therefore, that's why I have understood people saying we will never allow the manipulation of justice.”

We cannot take away the democracy that is already in South Africa, nor the justice. You cannot control justice through democracy; because it is a human right. Most people would agree with this statement.  If their viewpoints are democratic.  '

Summary:  Jacob Zuma is the current president of South Africa, and there has been allegations towards him regarding to weapons outside of South Africa.  He was believed to have been associating with arms dealer outside of his country.   Though this matter was never to be true or proven in a court of law,  he continues to lead South Africa through there ambivalent matters against industrialization and poaching.  Despite what he has been accused for.   

"Jacob Zuma ." quotes daddy. Web. 16 Nov 2010. <http://www.quotesdaddy.com/author/Jacob+Zuma/2>.

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